
Article # 4

     Communicative Competence:  A pedagogically motivated model with content specifications
                                                        Celce-Murcia, Dornyei, Thurrell

            The article states that competence has been some what better defined recently but the need to actually know what it is exactly will benefit teachers and writers.

            The views towards competence has changed from being seen as competence then communicative competence (grammatical and sociolinguistic) to competence but seen as (grammatical, sociolinguistic and discourse).  In the article according to Canale;

            1.  Grammatical competence is knowledge of language code that involves from pronunciation, grammar rules, vocabulary, spelling and more.

            2.  Sociolinguistic competence is mastery of the sociocultural code of language use, the correct use of vocabulary and the style used in a situation.

            3.  Discourse competence is being able to combine language structures into different types of cohesive texts like the use of speeches and poems.

            4.  Strategic competence is knowledge of verbal or nonverbal communication where the speaker is able to deal with a breakdown in a conversation in order to communicate.

            Some believe that behavioral objectives lead to problems and others like them because it helps define the use of communicative language.

            The authors of the article have a model in the area of sociolinguistic which makes it more specific and questions how they relate to one another.

            -Linguistic competence = not just grammar

            -Strategic competence= correct use

            -Sociocultural competence= correct usage

            -Actional competence= doing and receiving

            -Discourse competence= involves all of the above

            There are some suggested components of Discourse competence;

            1.  Cohesion= rules

            2.  Deixis = use of words

            3.  Coherence = makes sense time, order

            4.  Genre/Genric Structure = how to speak

            5.  Conversational Structure = a give and take of speaking

            What the C-MDT model shows is that from;

            -Grammatical to Linguistic

            -Strategic stays the same

            -Sociolinguistic to Sociocultural and Actional

            -Discourse with their suggested components

            I think that the C-MDT model gives us educators a better view or in take on what exactly to work with in order to achieve communication effectively and accurately.